I am at a loss for words. Seriously, there is not much I can add to the 1st video below.
Information about climate change is all around us. Everyone knows about it; Most people understand that it is real and it that poses an existential threat, quite possibly in our lifetimes. In our children’s lives, it will certainly lead to war, famine, cancer, and massive loss of land, structures and money. It is already raising sea level and killing off entire species at thousands of times the natural rate.
Yet, few people, organizations or governments treat the issue with the urgency of an existential crisis. Sure! A treaty was signed and this week, Jeff Bezos committed to reducing the carbon footprint of the world’s biggest retailer. But have we moved in the right direction since the Paris Accords were signed 4 years ago? On the contrary, we have accelerated the pace of self-destruction.
I want speak out—and, of course, this Blog post is my way of doing it. But I am at a loss for words, because everything I want to say is so deftly articulated by 15 year old Greta Thunberg. I cannot possibly add to or improve upon her message.
Greta is not your typical hero. She is a child, has Asperger’s, and is a high school Sophomore, yet she is a truant. That is, she regularly skips class, because she feels that doing her own thing is more important than education. She is absolutely right…
This week Greta educated the UN, US Congress and former President Obama (because the current president cannot grasp her message). She also led a protest campaign that attracted millions of Millennials in more than 100 cities across Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas.
Greta Thunberg is racing to save the world—and all of humanity while she is at it.
Rather than link to her talk before Congress or the UN, or this overly-slick PSA, I choose three videos. The last one is only 49 seconds). Don’t have the time to pause for a video?—not even at bed time? Please reconsider. This one is really, really important. Even more important than not texting and driving. If ever you felt that there was something to communicate to your circle and pass onto your family, this is it. Your children are counting on you.
In the first two videos, Greta makes interesting point. If ever you imagined hearing an alarm bell, your ears should be clanging with these statements…
▪ 1st video, below
Greta was puzzled by an apparent incongruity when she was 8 years old: How is it that a widely reported existential threat has not resulted in a Stop-The-Presses, all out campaign to eliminate the threat? How is it that a majority of people claim to support the cause, applaud at speeches, support the Paris Accords—and yet the burning of fossil fuels has increased and the destruction of jungles & rain forests is accelerating? The carbon budget of the Paris Accords has already been ⅔ consumed! Even worse, scientists now believe that the budget was too relaxed. Even back then (3 years ago) things were worse than we had believed.
▪ 2nd video, below
Although Greta states it without emotion (a symptom of Asberger’s), she was surprised to find that America has climate change ‘believers’ and ‘non-believers’. Without a hint of sarcasm, she explains that in Sweden, everyone understands the facts.
Please view these videos. Is there anything in your day that is more important? I doubt it. Saving the planet is no longer a slogan. It’s our only chance at survival—and that chance is getting slimmer with each day.
1. Ted Talk (11 min), Stockholm Aug 2018
2. Trevor Noah TV episode (9 min), Sep 14, 2019
3. Meeting President Obama (49 sec), Sep 18, 2019
Good Job, and thanks, Tasha
Hey Ellery,
Your article is spot on, but your choice of Greta videos doesn’t capture her fury and passion. For some of us adults, change may require a bit of scolding.
Here is a pointer to Greta’s full fury & passion
23-Sep-2019, From Philip
Wow!!! Thank you, Doc Dingley
I have viewed Greta’s eloquent statements before the Austrian World Summit (May 2019, 11 minutes) and at the European Parliament (April 2019, 13 minutes). But her testimony at the United Nations today—just 1 day after I wrote about her visit and her impact—is more than an urgent plea for action. It takes a whole new tact. It not only passionate, but it is rightfully filled with anger.
Thunberg had a very busy schedule in New York this week, including appearances on late night television and a meeting with Barak Obama. But none of her past presentations or the recent statements in America match the fury and passion of this UN testimony. Check out the photo below, from her short testimony.
All I can say is “Wow”! I pray that people recognize that listening to this child, nodding in agreement and applauding her ethos and resolve is not sufficient. Responding to a serious crisis needs more than passion and a plan. It requires a change of behavior. We must all change our behavior and we must do it now.
![Greta Thunberg speaks at UN (Sept 2019)](https://awildduck.com/Greta Thunberg-03.jpg)
It really is relieving to find people like Greta doing this We need to be thankful for that, but unfortunately, many of us aren’t because we simply cannot thank her without feeling a little ashamed of ourselves. because many of the things we do in our daily lives go against what we aren’t supposed to do in order to protect our environment.. but oh well. We certainly need a change in policy to live our lives according to what is needed for us to survive. I personally have decided to use as little water as possible and products as eco-friendly as can be for my “carpet cleaning company”. I hope more people will take initiatives before its too late.
You make a great point, Jeff. Perhaps engaging in dialogue is human nature — even to support a position for which we strongly identify — in the presence of guilt associated with our own behavior. As a child of the consumer and ME-era.
I also agree that my own carbon footprint is untenable and unfair to future generations. We must all recognize and ACT on the facts. The facts are that the environment can no longer absorb the collective byproducts and other pressures of human activity (rampant use of hormones, fertilizers, pesticides, strip mining, fracking, etc, etc.
These human activities may be performed by large companies and governments, but it is our individual choices and lifestyles that drives each factory, mine, oil rig and plastic packaging plant.
Greta is a princess in the true sense of the word. She could bring about an era of conservation while still supporting affluence and inclusion. My fear is that her mission will be thwarted by the Luddites that still believe in a flat earth and that the moon landing was faked. Dealing with that type of ignorance is on par with the lackadaisical attitude of even the most educated communities.