Does voting against someone violate a principle?

These “I Voted” stickers are lined up on our microwave oven—a tradition in our home that began 10 years ago. Each sticker represents an even-year election.

I look up to my older brother. He has always been a mensch in dealing with both personal and business relationships. More consistently than me, he stands for noble ideals. He is not quick to give into self-interest or raw emotion and he always weighs the affect of his actions and decisions on the greater community.

But sometimes, standing firm on principle can backfire. I think that this is such a time.

Two years ago, my brother felt that neither major-party candidate for US president was worthy of his vote. And so, he voted for a 3rd-party candidate. I recall his conviction: “I must have faith in the candidate that gets my vote. I will not vote against someone.”

I felt differently. I agreed that the 3rd party candidate was best for the job, but I was more practical about his very low polling number (under 5%). A vote for him would make my voice ineffective. I was more concerned with the possibility of a seriously racist and unqualified man seizing the oval office.

In principle, my brother and I supported the same candidate in 2016. But in practice, I felt that it was necessary to stop a train wreck in the making. I voted against a candidate instead of for a candidate. I voted against racism, bullying, misogyny, leadership without scholarship, a tyrant without integrity, an individual who builds walls instead of bridges—and one who lies about how the wall will be funded.

My brother voted for the candidate with no path to victory. In the interest of fairness and full disclosure, he felt that the other major-party candidate had significant flaws, but he agrees that she wasn’t a train wreck. I would have preferred that he helped to avert the dismantling of all that we value.

I still admire my brother. His word is his bond and his principles are unshakeable. But today, I did exactly what I did two years ago. This time, I hope it makes a difference.

Why vote against someone?

I am ashamed to admit that it has become necessary to vote against something or someone… Against an insipid cancer which is taking our country back to the days of slavery, eugenics, dirty politics and Manifest Destiny in the guise of exceptionalism.

We draw our strength from our diversity, friends—a frightening Truth for those who benefit from their perch. But, we Europeans aren’t the first to enjoy this land. We needn’t be pushed backwards toward ignorance, intolerance and racism. A rising ocean floats all boats. Blacks, Jews, Asians, Mexicans, Native Americans, “unnamed Middle Eastern men” and those who confirm their gender identity are not the problem. They are our strengths—our partner and a solution. Together, we represent a nation of rich diversity, culture and with better opportunity for a successful and vibrant economy.

Far from our differences being a threat, the real problem is intolerance and the assumption of a “zero-sum” game. It isn’t necessary and it isn’t true.

I recognize that there is a legitimate debate over border security, healthcare, gun control, abortion and social programs. Some even feel that there is still a debate over the environment. But, we needn’t be predators. We are not in a battle over territory or the carcass of a deer. Resist racism and intolerance. We can all rise to put this train back on its tracks.

Observations about trust and moral authority (in just this past weekend!)

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