In an incredibly head-scratching move, Amazon has announced that streaming video gadgets that fail to support the full implementation of Amazon Prime will be forbidden for sale at Amazon, even by their partners. This includes Apple TV and Google Chromecast—both of which are more popular than Amazon Fire TV.
Amazon claims that the withdrawal of streaming devices that don’t fully support their own service will mitigate customer confusion.
No one buying these devices is confused. If this were really about buyer confusion—and not blatant trade suppression—they would simply publish a big, fat comparison checklist on the home page.
Just how dumb does Bezos think his customers are? This is about as smart as Google suppressing any search results that mentions Bing. After all, we don’t want to foster a confused user, right?! But Google recognizes that taking the high ground fosters more trust than blocking your competitors at the door.
What’s next, Jeff? Why don’t you remove apps that stream security footage from private companies, but are not compatible with an upcoming Amazon project? How about de-listing all Android phones and tablets? After all, they might promote confusion with Amazon’s Kindle and Fire products.
Why not suppress all Apple and Microsoft products? After all, Siri and Cortana still have a market edge over Alexa—the persona and research wit of Amazon’s voice controlled speaker.
And what about wireless HDMI? After all, Chromecast is not really a streaming service platform. It’s more of an extension cord that uses web streaming to mimic a video cable.
I suspect that there will be law suits in response to the Amazon decision to de-list hardware vendors who are not licensees and partners. But despite Amazon’s broad and heretofore inclusive offerings, I also suspect that courts will not force them to offer competing products. After all, these products have many outlets. Moreover, Amazon could rightfully point out that Google and Apple don’t sell the Fire TV in their own web stores.
But here’s the thing, Amazon: Selling Chromecast and Apple TV do not constitute promoting competition. Amazon is in many businesses, and one of these businesses is online retailing. In this area, you have deftly scrambled to the top of the heap. You didn’t get there by suppressing competition—you got there through brains, guts and striking innovation.
Despite the legality of Amazon’s move, it is an incredibly shortsighted blunder. After all, Amazon is not running a storefront for branded merchandise and a few compatible accessories. They are shopping cart to the Earth. The king of retailers. They compete in a rarefied atmospheric aura with only two pretenders to the throne: Aliexpress and Ebay. In fact, they trump everyone else together. They are that significant.
Wise up, friend. Wise up Jeff! It’s healthy to look over your shoulder, but debasing the core mission of selling every legal product makes no sense at all. Suddenly, my go-to place is a competitive censor. For such a bright guy, you have made an incredible blunder. Time to retrench. Time to show a little respect to your customers and your biggest supporters.
…Including me.
Their platform should be neutral. Let their own products be competitive enough. A threat can be any form. If not Amazon platform, then other platforms will be given importance. Consumers will approach these platforms, leaving Amazon.
Finally, it is losing customer traffic that is more business risk.